December Newsletter 2020

Angels Gate Cultural Center 
December 2020
Angels Gate Cultural Center provides space for artists to work and engages community through arts education, exhibitions of contemporary art, and cultural events. 
A Message from Angels Gate Cultural Center:
Through these last 9 months, two pandemics and a changed world, many of us on the team have created a book club for connection. One of my favorite quotes comes from my favorite author, Octavia Butler and her book “Parable of the Sower”:  

                    “All that you touch, You Change. 
                          All that you Change, Changes You. 
                              The only lasting truth is Change.”

Change is all we had in 2020. And change has been so good at Angels Gate. We were able to change 80% of our programming to virtual platforms, and the rest will come back bigger and better in 2021, once we can get together in person again.  

We want to thank you for changing with Angels Gate Cultural Center and for supporting this amazing art space.  We could not have made it this far without you. The team here has touched all parts of the Cultural Center and I want to thank each and every one of them, we could have not created change without them.  Lastly, we have all been changed by this global pandemic, in hard and wonderful ways.

Change is good and change is truth. We hope this is all true for you and yours. Learn how many of our artists are changing their practice, and how our programs continue to change in this newsletter. Come and be a part of next week’s Family Art Workshop – any family is welcome, not just what we think of as traditional families of parents and kids. Bring your family of any age and create with us.

We hope that you have had wonderful changes as well this year, and a happy holiday season.

-Amy Eriksen-

Executive Director
Visit us at

Studio Artists

Beginning the evening of December 18th, Studio artist Leah Shane Dixon will have their art included in the Projecting Possibilities exhibit at the Helms Design Center in Culver City. Shane is one of 52 artists who get a one-week slot to project their art in the front window of the historic Helms Bakery Building, one of LA’s best preserved Art Deco buildings. This exhibit can be viewed safely by practicing masked social distancing on the street or even from the comfort of a parked vehicle.

The Helms Bakery District and Design Center is at 8745 Washington Boulevard. Projections run from sunset to 2AM nightly. Shane’s work will be viewable there December 11th through the 17th, and new artists will rotate in weekly through next May.
See More of Leah Shane’s Work
Studio Artist Ann Weber’s sculpture is included in the exhibition
Stay Inspired, Dolby Chadwick Gallery, in San Francisco. The exhibition runs from December 10 – January 31, 2021.
 Boogie Woogie Till the End 1-4, 2020, cardboard, staples, polyurethane

77 x 70 x 6 inches
Photo: Ray Carofano

See More of Ann’s Work
Studio Artists, Lynn Doran and Delora Bertch are participating in the The Winter Show, a juried all-media online exhibition hosted by Palos Verdes Art Center. 

The Winter Show runs from December 4, 2020 – January 17, 2021 and can be viewed on the Palos Verdes website. 
Raku vessel by Studio Artist Delora Bertsch.
Photograph by studio artist Lynn Doran, “Fun in the Sun”.
See More of the Artists’ Work

Studio Artist Tim Maxiener presents his third issue of his newspaper, Pacific Paper / The 99 Cents Issue, Flux Art Space in Long Beach. The paper was available on Sunday, December 12, 6am – 3pm, through the newspaper dispenser on the sidewalk.  The Flux window will feature a display with previous issues of Pacific Paper to read. (Copies are available.) 

The Flux Art Space is located at 410 Termino Avenue, Long Beach.

Pacific Paper is a freeform paper, it’s form and concept changes from issue to issue.

See More of Tim’s Work
Studio Artist Photographer Slobodan Dimitrov has been designated as the Resident Labor Photographer at the UCLA Labor Center. His extensive labor photo archives will be held as a collection at the Center. 

His work has appeared in The Nation, The Carpenter, Solidarity, SEIU, UNITE, Machinists Int., America at Work, The Progressive, Los Angeles Magazine, and The Economist, among many labor publications and newspaper.
See More of Slobodan’s Work


Watch Now: Raised as Roosters – An Interview with the Artists and Curator
Angels Gate Cultural Center is proud to present Raised as Roosters – An Interview with the Artists and Curator. Take an in-depth look at the themes of masculinity, Xicanismo, historical ties to place and migration with Abel Alejandre, Guerra, and guest curator Kristina Newhouse. 

An interview with the artists and curator is now available online. Learn more about the exhibition, the artists and their practice. Watch the interview on Angels Gate Cultural Center youtube channel.

Raised as Roosters is on view virtually on our website here.
View the Virtual Gallery Exhibition


Meet Our Artist-Teachers
Angels Gate Cultural Center’s education program, Artists-in-Classroom (AIC), places professional Artist-Teachers into public schools throughout the Harbor Region to provide enriching arts experiences to students K-12. These teachers bring their own process and artistic expression into the classroom, and provide interdisciplinary education in the visual and performing arts.
Karen Emonts received her BA in art from the University of California, Santa Barbara and did graduate work in Printmaking at UC Colorado and The Institute of Experimental Printmaking in Santa Cruz. Her work has been included in exhibitions locally and nationally including Smithsonian Traveling Exhibitions, San Diego State University Main Art Gallery, and Arco Center for Visual Art in Los Angeles.

Karen is passionate about inspiring students to discover the joy of expression through visual art. She has taught art in schools, museums, and organizations throughout Southern California.


Saturday, December 19, 2020
3:00pm – 5:00pm PST

Virtual Family Art Workshop! (via Zoom) / Taller virtual de arte para la familia

Join us! ¡acompáñenos!

Join us this month as we explore an ancient craft! Weaving is an artform community members historically worked on together. Join us as we use paper to create baskets and learn about different weaving techniques developed throughout the centuries.

Supplies needed:

15-20 sheets of paper/newspaper



Ruler (optional)

Stapler (optional)

Sign up today! Register on eventbrite, and you will receive the Zoom link prior to the event.

Inscribese en el sitio de eventbrite y le recibirá enlace web de Zoom para la lección.

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. / Infantes deben estar acompañados por un adulto todo el tiempo.

Questions? Email

Para más información consulte

This event is brought to you through support from the California Arts Council.
soundpedro 2021 Call for Submissions

FLOOD is seeking ear-oriented art submissions for soundpedro 2021. Visit the website for updates and submission instructions. The deadline to submit is February 14, 2021. 


Support Angels Gate Cultural Center today!

Our generous supporters help to make Angels Gate Cultural Center a vibrant arts hub within the Los Angeles Harbor Region. Our work would not be possible without this community of contributors. Angels Gate Cultural Center’s gallery exhibitions and cultural events serve students each academic year. However you choose to give, know that your contribution is critical to the ongoing success and excellence of our programs, both onsite at AGCC and in the community.

Donate Today

Thank you to our generous supporters.

Angels Gate Cultural Center 
3601 S. Gaffey St., San Pedro, CA 90731
Copyright ©2020, All rights reserved.

Angels Gate Cultural Center
3601 S. Gaffey St. Box 1
San Pedro, CA 90731

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