It is the mission of Angels Gate Cultural Center (AGCC) to provide space for artists to work and to engage community through arts education, exhibitions of contemporary art, and cultural events. The Studio Artist Program at AGCC provides studio rentals for artists to work and maintain their creative practices.

Studios range from $150 – $1000 fees per month and vary in size between 150 – 1000 square feet. AGCC studios are located in Angels Gate Park, which is open to the public and Studio Artists from 6:00am – 10:00pm daily, 365 days a year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

Studios are for artists who currently have an active studio practice, working in any artistic media, at any stage in their art career.

What are the facilities and cost?

Studios are located within historic 1940s military structures and vary greatly in square footage, lighting, water, scenery and access. Studios are work only (no live-work spaces). The campus has a print making studio, ceramics studio with kiln, gallery, and various community spaces and classrooms.  AGCC charges below market rate for artist studios compared to other studio complexes in the greater Los Angeles area, with rental fees ranging from $150-$1,000.

Is there 24-hour access?

The studios are located in Angels Gate Park, which is a public park operated by the City of Los Angeles. Access is allowed during park hours from 6am-10pm daily, 365 days a year.


Are there currently studios available?

Artist studios are highly competitive and there is generally a waiting list at all times.


How do I get a studio?

Artists are selected via a competitive application process. Applicants must submit an application form with supplemental materials, work samples, and a nonrefundable application fee of $25. A review committee meets as needed to review applications for waitlist acceptance. Applicants are generally notified quarterly if they have been accepted for the waitlist.



The selection process will be based on the following criteria:

  • Artistic quality and merit of current submitted work
  • How will the Studio Artist Program impact and further the applicant’s artistic practice and career?
  • How will the applicant positively affect the community as a Studio Artist?


  • Applicants are notified via email when applications have been received.
  • Applications are reviewed and considered for acceptance as space becomes available.
  • Applications that are not accepted are encouraged to reapply after twelve months.


A Review Committee comprised of current studio artists, AGCC staff, and local arts professionals meet as needed to review applications. Accepted artists may be placed on a waitlist for available space.


It is imperative that applicants are explicit and thorough in describing their practice and needs, both in terms of facilities and space to appropriately match artists with studios. The facilities are adapted from former military barracks, which present challenges for high electrical loads and high levels of noise.


All applicants must submit work samples to be considered. AGCC does not accept slides, hard copy images, or VHS tapes. If you would like work returned please provide a self-addressed pre-stamped envelope. Files names of work samples should contain the title of the piece and match the list of works.

  • Visual Artists: 12-20 high-resolution images representing your primary body of work shared with link to an online folder containing images (google docs or dropbox) or submitted USB flash drive with high resolution jpeg files
  • Writers, Filmmakers, Musicians: Submit 3-10 samples, published work highly preferred. You must identify your role in creation on the list of works.
  • Videos: instant play DVD or email link to instant play website (youtube, personal website, etc.
  • Writing: submit links to published articles/writings online or submit PDF files via USB flash drive
  • Music: audio files submitted as links to instant play website or audio files on USB flash drive
  • Collectives/Groups: 12-20 images of collaborative works that each member has contributed to, or 12 images per artist that demonstrate connective theme(s) between all collective members. One application per collective/group.


A list of works must accompany the work samples and include the following information:

  • Artist(s)
  • Title
  • Year Completed
  • Medium
  • Dimensions
  • URL/web hyperlink where applicable


Submit the required documentation: application form, resume, and list of works to

Provide your work samples: After submitting your completed form, email a link to your images/samples on a hosted website or in a digital folder (such as a Dropbox or Google Drive folder) OR provide in-person or by mail a USB flash drive containing files. DO NOT  link images/work samples directly in your submission.

Hand-deliver or mail application fee: $25

Angels Gate Cultural Center
3601 S. Gaffey Street Box 1
San Pedro CA 90731

Please note: Your submission will not be considered for review until all components, including the $25 application fee, are received.