Printmaking Studio Equipment List


Japanese Etching Press with a set of 3 printing blankets (pusher, cushion, catcher) – pressbed size: 51″ x 27″

Electric Press with a set of 3 printing blankets (pusher, cushion, catcher) – pressbed size: 48″ x 25″

Lithographic Press – pressbed size: 58″ x 33″ – complete with set of press bars: 12″, 14″, 16″, 18″, 21″ and 23″

Screenprinting Equipment:

7 screens – size: 26″ x 36″

Screenprinting squeegees:

One 6″, one 10″, one 29″ squeegee
Three 22″ squeegees
2 emulsion coaters – size 14″
Screenprinting table with clamps

Paper Preparation Equipment:

Paper preparation table 92″ x 48″
Paper cutter: 25″ x 25″
30″ Stainless steel tear bar
2 Aluminum 48″ rulers
4 scissors
Paper soaking tub: 26″ x 31″
Blotting area with set of blotting towels

Inking Areas:

Large glass inking area: 36″ x 36″
2 glass inking areas: each 32″ x 20″
2 portable glass inking areas: each 34″ x 22″
Marble inking slab: 37″ x 21″

Tools, and other useful things:

8 palette knives<
2 razor blade scrapers with razor blades (for clean up)
Stiff tarlatan for wiping intaglio plates

Brayers and Rollers:

Five 2″ brayers
Five 3″ brayers
Three 4″ brayers
Three 6″ brayers
One 18″ roller with wooden stand
Two 24″ litho rollers with wooden stand

Plate Preparation Tools:

2 files for beveling
4 sets of clamps with protective coating
Sharpening stone
2 small scrapers
2 small burnishers
1 etching needle
1 electric dremmel tool


2 vertical etching tanks for etching copper – 27″ x 24″ (currently without etching solution)
1 flat etching tub with lid – 9″ x 7″ (with ferric chloride for etching copper)
1 Aquatint Box
1 Hot plate

Materials for clean-up:

Paper towels, spray bottles, rags, telephone books, newspaper, cleaning supplies

Paper drying areas and storage:

Drying Rack – 50 shelves – size:48″ x 32″
9 Print Drying Boards – size: 48″ x 32″
10 Flat files: 48″ x 53″
10 Flat files: 44″ x 35″
Storage shelves and drawers.

Other work areas:

3 tables – 48″ x 31″, 48″ x 29″, 48″ x 30″

The studio has access to hot and cold water, to bathroom and to electricity.


Printmaking Studio available for rent [Equipment available for use?] upon completion of a Printmaking Safety Course with AGCC Printmaster Nguyen Ly.

For more information please contact Terry Gerald: Email: 

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