
soundpedro is a season of experimental sound art events that investigates the way we perceive and experience sound. Many works are multi-sensory, addressing sound and aural perception in combination with other senses.

A Unique Fusion of Art and Sound

soundpedro is produced annually by the Long Beach artist group FLOOD, and takes place throughout the Angels Gate Cultural Center campus.

“the artists of soundpedro activate, in surprising ways, this unique site–both indoors and out. Unlike music, sound art is the aural equivalent of cinema, painting, theater, sculpture, and literature. “Sound art” as a term has been variously dated to 1974, 1979, and 1982. Since then, artists have taken the genre in a variety of directions. Reframing the act of listening, works and performances explore the progression of sound from hearing to experience. soundpedro, like all FLOOD-produced presentations, is an experimental, experiential event, approached as a creative lab for both artists and visitor-participants.

Flood, about soundpedro

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