Arts United San Pedro is seeking vibrant, community-centered arts & cultural activities in the San Pedro Arts and Cultural District.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is open to applicants who work or reside within the Harbor Area and communities within the One-Five (Los Angeles County District 15); priority is given to teams in the San Pedro Arts and Cultural District area. All activities must happen in the confines of the San Pedro Arts and Cultural District. Applicants who have experience working in the public realm are encouraged to apply.
1. Call for Submissions Monday 3/18/24 – 5/19/24 at midnight
2. Q&A Session via ZOOM: Monday 4/8/24 5-6pm
3. Applications Panel 6/10/23-6/14/24
4. Notification of Acceptance/Denial of application: 6/17/24
5. Distribution of first portion of funding: 6/28/24
- Applicants demonstrate knowledge and genuine connection to the populations served.
- Applicants will generate a community centered, engaging activity that is meaningful and relevant to the community.
- Applicants must demonstrate the professional capacity to oversee the community-based projects.
- The selected applicants must be available for meetings and demonstrate the ability to work in consultation with Arts United San Pedro.
- Applicants will receive funding for 1 arts & cultural engagement activity per grant year/calendar year.
- Granted funding must be used within 6 months of date received.
- Arts & Cultural activity must occur before December 1st 2024.
- Grantee must submit Photo documentation following the event, either at the mid or post project report.
- A post project report with photo documentation, reflection statement, and reported use of funds must also be submitted 6 months from the start date.
- Applicants who received funding from the previous Arts and Cultural Activities RFP cannot apply during this current application window.
BUDGET: Funding for projects is provided by the California Arts Council via Arts United San Pedro.
Awarded sum between $2,000-$30,000
- Applicants must match one third of the total budget. Source of matching funds should be listed.
- Applicants must provide a total project budget showing both matching and Arts United San Pedro funds by utilizing the template provided in the application.
- The budget is all-inclusive and must cover all expenses associated with the arts and cultural engagement activities.
- Applicants may request up to X% of the Arts United San Pedro requested budget for project administration.
All applications must be submitted by 5/19/24 by midnight
Incomplete and late applications will be deemed ineligible. Applicants are strongly encouraged to conduct independent research based on the information provided, as well as visit the project location while planning.
A complete application must include:
○ APPLICANT GENERAL INFO: name, business/non-profit name (if applicable), physical address, mailing address, telephone number, and email.
○ STATEMENT OF INTEREST: [500 words max] in briefly summarizing the proposal for the ARTS UNITED arts & cultural engagement projects, as well as related experience.
○ PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: [750 words max] detailing the proposed activity, physical materials and personnel/resources required, artistic and/or cultural relevance, and community engagement component.
○ RESUME: [PDF or DOC format only, 4 pages max]
-Artists/Artist Teams: submit a 1-2 page resume for each team member, 4 pages total maximum
–Community Organizations: please summarize the 2 most relevant past projects (with website links if available) within in the last 2-3 years and provide biographies for the top 3 leadership positions in the organization.
○ PAST PROJECTS / MEDIA FILES: [2 files mandatory; minimum 2 files –maximum 5 files] Applicants can include high resolution images, video, and/or audio; submit documentation of community-based projects that provide the panel with a sense of your past facilitating capacities, as well as experience and/or history in the community; Teams are encouraged to include projects created by the team. Each of the files must be labeled with the applicant’s Artist Name or Name of Organization. Please provide title of the file, date, size if applicable), materials( if applicable), and a brief description.
○ ITEMIZED BUDGET- using the template provided in application: [PDF, DOC or DOCX format only] including preliminary costs for all aspects of the proposed project, i.e. materials, stipends, rental permits, etc.
○ TIMELINE: [150 words max, DOC format only], estimated schedule for project implementation including dates/times and itinerary of activities.
Q&A Session via ZOOM, Monday 4/8/24 5-6pm:
Gloria Sanchez – Coalition Coordinator
(310) 519-0936 ex. 1779
Arts United San Pedro -San Pedro Arts and Cultural District Coalition