Join us for AGCC's Spring Open Studios Day on Saturday, April 27th
Photo of AGCC Studio Artist Marco Schindelmann by Jordan Rodriguez, Open Studios Day Fall 2023.
Angels Gate Cultural Center presents our Spring 2024 Open Studios Day, April 27th! Over 45 local artists will open their doors to the public for a peek into their art practice. More details to come—stay connected to Angels Gate Cultural Center by signing up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page, or following @angelsgateart on social media.
Open Studios Day is a free, all-ages event that provides the public a glimpse into the process, art, and lives of local artists who create at the Center. AGCC hosts one of the largest studio artist programs in the region with a diverse range of artistic disciplines including ceramics, photography, printmaking, writing, sculpture, videography, music, and painting. This self-guided tour of artist studios provides a unique opportunity to interact with the artists and purchase contemporary works of art.
Live Community Class demonstrations will take place throughout the day and include: Painting, Screenwriting, Printmaking, Music Exploration, Raku and Ceramics.
soundplay < = > southbay provides both glimpse and glitch into 20 years of sound art within the context of Long Beach SoundWalk and soundpedro, produced by the artist group FLOOD. Through installations, videos, and performance, the exhibition will trace early SoundWalk events (which started in 2004) and bridge time, up to the current soundpedro2024. An opening reception will be held from 2pm-4pm on the floor 2 gallery. The exhibition runs through June 1st, 2024, with additional programming information available on the AGCC website.
FLOOD produced the SoundWalk annually for ten years, within a shifting footprint of urban streets, sidewalks, unexpected indoor spaces, and alleys of downtown Long Beach. This evolved into soundpedro, the more recent iteration of the sound art festival. From the one-night SoundWalk, soundpedro has expanded into a season of sonic experiments and ear orientation, both in-person and online. The signature on-site event takes place annually at Angels Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro, where participants respond to and react within the wild, varied landscape and complex history of the site.
Direct from the Classroom: Spring Selections the floor 1 gallery will showcase student art by local K – 6th graders in AGCC’s Artists-in-Classrooms (AIC) program. Paintings, creative writing, sculpture and dance works represent 1,512 students taught by Artist Teachers in 54 classrooms throughout San Pedro and LA County during the Spring academic term.
The All-Ages Sound Instrument Making Station invites participants to join AGCC’s Artist-Teachers Julie Borkin and Dalia Palacios in making their own musical instruments. Inspired by the soundplay < = > southbay exhibition, guests will make and decorate their own drums and tambourines in this walkthrough workshop.
AGCC Studio Artists include Adam Gaxiola, Andrea Lien, Ann Weber, Anna Erneholm, Ashton S. Phillips, Beth Elliott, Candice Gawne, Da Aie Park, Daniel Porras, Deborah Wright, Delora Bertsch, Dennis Keeley, Elizabeth Casuga, Elyse Pignolet, Emma Rault, Frank Rodriguez, Gil Mares, Henry Krusoe, Jesse Small, Joe Barile, Jon Nakamura, June Edmonds, Kim Kei, Leah Shane Dixon, Lowell Nickel, Lucinda Rudolph, Lynn Doran, Marco Schindelmann, Melodie Reay, Melody Chen, Mike Watt, Nancy Voegeli-Curran, Perry Okimoto, Phoebe Barnum, Regina Herod, Rene LaRue, Robert Alexander, Scott Anger, Susan Rawcliffe, Syracuse residency students (Gary Michael Tuzinkiewicz, Jalal Ghias Beygi, Pegah Bahador), Tianlu Chen, Vanessa Madrid, W.S. Milner, Yoon Jin Kim, and Yuichiro Roy Kunisaki.
Community Class Demo Schedule
1:30 – 1:40pm Master Painting – Barbara De Anda
1:40 – 1:50pm Ceramics – Lowell Nickel
1:50 – 2:00pm Music Exploration – Leah Shane Dixon
2:00 – 2:10pm Film & Screenwriting – Larin Sullivan
2:10 – 2:20pm Public Art & Storytelling – Rachael
2:20 – 2:30pm 3D Printing Art – Jesse Small
3:30 – 4:00pm Raku Ceramics – Perry Okimoto
PR KIT with images for download: https://
This event is generously supported by Department of Cultural Affairs City of Los Angeles, California Natural Resources Agency for the Museum Grant Program under the California Cultural and Historical Endowment, LA County Department of Arts and Culture, National Endowment for the Arts, and Perenchio Foundation.