Material Recovery

January 20
 - March 23, 2024
MATERIAL RECOVERY: Printmaking with Recycled Materials, a group exhibition by LYNK Collective.
Christina Yasmin Fesmire and Jared Millar

CATALOG now available! Limited edition full color catalog available for purchase in the gallery or online.

Works by LYNK Collective members: Yeansoo Aum, Elisabeth Beck,  Andra Broekelschen,  Alexandra Chiara,  Christina Yasmin Fesmire,  Karen Fiorito,  Carole Gelker,  Bill Jaros,  Nguyen Ly,  Diane McLeod,  Jared Millar,  William Myers,  Marina Polic, Vera Polic-Lakhal  Francisco Rogido,  Olga Ryabtsova,  Laura Shapiro,  Tracy Loreque Skinner,  Mary Lawrence Test,  Paula Voss, Zana Zupur and guest artists: Karen Feuer-Schwager,  Kim Kei,  Wendy Murray,  Jackie Nach,  MJ Rado,  Victor Rosas,   Fred Rose,  Marianne Sadowski,  Jillian Thompson  and  Katie Thompson-Peer.

The works in Material Recovery reclaim common materials such as cardboard, plastic, and wood – the very products that flow through the nearby Port of Los Angeles destined for landfills. As printmakers, the members of Lynk Collective have a vested interest in the ongoing recovery and reduction of waste. The paper on which they print— “rag” paper—was traditionally made from scraps of recycled cotton rags. Material Recovery: Printmaking with Recycled Materials is an expression of Lynk Collective’s values, as ecologically conscious artists inhabiting a shared earth, producing artwork made from recycled rather than raw materials. 

Established in 2017, LYNK Collective is a group of two dozen artists from the Orange County and Los Angeles area who collaborate on projects and exhibitions through the medium of printmaking. LYNK Collective has been featured in The HandPressing Matters, and the Los Angeles Printmaking Society blog, Press On. 

MEDIA KIT: Learn more about the artists & works

Material Recovery: Printmaking with Recycled Materials is made possible with support from the California Natural Resources Agency for the Museum Grant Program under the California Cultural and Historical Endowment, and the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles. Additional support for the AGCC exhibitions program is provided by the Perenchio Foundation, the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, The Ahmanson Foundation, Norris Foundation, and the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation.


Virtual Exhibition