Angels Gate Cultural Center provides space for artists to work and engages community through arts education, exhibitions of contemporary art, and cultural events.
A new show by Studio Artist Leah Shane Dixon opens on May 15th from 7 to 11pm at Loiter Galleries,180 E. 4th St, Long Beach.(address correction)Illuminations select works of Leah Shane Dixon, 2003-2021, on view Thurs-Sunday through June 17th, showcases a selection of acrylic and digital works from Leah Shane Dixon. This show is outdoors only! The works are projected inside the storefront window and viewable from the sidewalk.
Voting for the Buscaino Community Grants program is officially live!
Angels Gate Community Center is proposing to build a Walking Trail and Sculpture Garden through Angels Gate Park as part of our ongoing effort to beautify the landscape.
Projects will be selected for funding based on the results of the Community Voting phase open Monday May 10th – Monday May 31st.
We would like to extend our immense gratitude to Councilmember Joe Buscaino for providing this great opportunity benefitting our district, and congratulations to the participating organizations, all of which are doing amazing work in our communities.
Our generous supporters help to make Angels Gate Cultural Center a vibrant arts hub within the Los Angeles Harbor Region. Our work would not be possible without this community of contributors. Angels Gate Cultural Center’s gallery exhibitions and cultural events serve students each academic year. However you choose to give, know that your contribution is critical to the ongoing success and excellence of our programs, both onsite at AGCC and in the community.