Newcomers will be introduced to various techniques making your own ceramic works with raku clay.
Above: Delora Bertsch during a raku demonstration on Open Studios Day, Spring 2022, Photo by Jose Cordon.
Newcomers will be introduced to various techniques making your own ceramic works with raku clay. These pieces will be bisque fired for glazing and raku firing the following month (minimum of 2 workshops – one to create work, the following to raku fire).
Those with experience can create their own artwork and bring in bisqued ware ready for glazing and firing (raku clay or high grog content works best – porcelain not recommended).
There will be a limit to the number of pieces that can be fired per workshop – usually 3-8 pieces depending on size and kiln space. We will decide what can be fired at the beginning of the workshop.
Number of participants per workshop is limited.
With AGCC Artists Delora Bertsch and Perry Okimoto
Monthly Workshop on a Sunday – 12 – 4 pm
Next workshops scheduled:
Monthly Workshop on a Sunday – 12 – 4 pm
Next workshops scheduled:
– January 12th, 2024: 12pm-4pm – Postponed
– February 9th, 2025: 12pm-4pm
-March 9th, 2025: 12pm-4pm
Cost $60. Includes materials and glazes.
Contact us for scheduling and more information.
TEXT: Delora 310-404-6194 or Perry 310-491-6777