soundpedro 2018

June 2
 - July 13, 2018
Ongoing exhibitions featuring the works tied to the annual sound-oriented event "soundpedro" presented by FLOOD.
Works by
Terry Braunstein, Marco Schindelmann, the2vvo, Dillon Bastan, Angela Willcocks, and Raphael Sskofsky

In the Galleries continues through July 13th
Continuing in the Galleries: Artist Terry Braunstein’s.”It’s About Time” with “Marco Schindelmann”, “Circumstances: Etude ll” by the2vvo, “Fluctuations” by Dillon Bastan and several works by Angela WIllcocks: “Earmagined”, “Power: Lip Reading”, “Fetished Sound” and with Raphael Sskofsky “Karaoke: Comic Book Sounds of Violence”.

soundpedro is an annual ear-oriented multi-sensory event, presenting numerous artists whose work addresses sound and aural perception in combination with other senses, produced by the Long Beach artist group FLOOD, and hosted by Angels Gate Cultural Center.