Before I Die, I Want to ________.
AGCC Community members inspired by Candy Chang
Before I Die, I Want to ________. is an adaptation of a public art piece created by artist Candy Chang’s after the loss of a loved one. For this version the gallery will display portraits of South Bay residents responding to the prompt “Before I die, I want to__________”
Our lives are busy. We rush from one activity to another, impatiently sit in traffic or work long hours on our feet. We live with hopes that keep us going but needs that drive us on. In this exhibit, participants were asked to respond to the prompt “before I die…” and share their dreams. What emerges is not just the individual want that is important. Instead it is the collective consciousness of hope – holding space for possibility. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
In what way might you support your friend or a stranger in reaching their dreams?